GET IN TOUCHWhy Do you Need a
E-commerce Website?
- Have a business (or looking to setup a business ) ?
- Looking to sell your products or services online and 24/7 ?
- Let your websites make sales whilst your resting during the night ?
- Limiting the spread by allowing your customers to pay for your products/services without coming to visit your shop
Fill in the information below and let’s begin your project
Ecommerce website
HAMEOS (Director at Mudsuckers Plumbing and Electrical)
“Fantastic job! You have hit the nail. I wanted something like that, thanks.”
DAVID (Director at IMANI Branding Solutions)
“Thank you guys. This is really awesome. I am impressed with the level of professionalism in which this project was carried out. Looking forward to working with you on more projects.”
BAKUSASA (Director at Buania Holdins)
“Keep up the good work! I appreciate and respect the work done for us by your amazing and effective team.”
Here are some of the companies that trust us.
- Modern Layout and beautifully styled websites
- Increase in Online sales
- Secured payment methods via Card , PayPal and many others
- 2 – 3 Weeks Turnaround Time . depending on the projects
- Ecommerce custom built for your company by professional and experience developers
- 99.99% Uptime
About us
Ndolena is a digital marketing agency that offers innovative info-graphic designs and manages highly advanced marketing campaigns for world class companies. We are based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Our promise? To make your customers look back when they see your billboard, logo, flyer, adverts or even gain conversions on your website.
Lastly we are committed to serving you with a personalized campaign that focuses in acquiring new customers for your business.
See our design and privacy policies: Policies
Ways to contact us
Phone: (+27) 010 109 7072
WhatsApp: +27726860058
Postal Address
Work Central,
1st Floor,
Bel Air Shopping Centre,
Bellairs Dr,
North Riding,
Why trust Ndolena?
The Ndolena Team is certified by Google Analytics, Google Digital Skills, as well as many coding languages certificates such as JavaScript, C++, HTML, CSS, Java and Python.